BUNDLES of Fibers: gas kinematics within filaments
BUNDLES of Fibers: gas kinematics within filaments
- Hacar A., Tafalla M., Forbrich J., Alves J., Meingast S., Grossschedls J., & Teixeira P.S., 2018, A&A, 610, A77 (A&A highlights) (link)
- Hacar A., Tafalla M., & Alves A., 2017b, A&A, 606, A123, (A&A highlights) (link)
- Hacar A., Kainulainen J., Tafalla M., Beuther H., & Alves J., 2015 (link)
- Beuther H., Ragan S., Johnston K., Henning T., Hacar A., & Kainulainen J., (link)
- Kainulainen J., Hacar A., Beuther H., & Alves J., Bouy H., Tafalla M., 2015 (link)
- Hacar A., Tafalla M., Kauffmann K., and Kovacs A., 2013, A&A, 554, AA55 (link)
- Hacar A. & Tafalla M., 2011, A&A, 533, AA34 (link)
ORION-4D survey (project website)
ORION-4D survey (project website)
- Hacar A., Tafalla M., Forbrich J., Alves J., Meingast S., Grossschedls J., & Teixeira P.S., 2018, A&A, 610, A77 (A&A highlights) (link)
- Hacar, A., Alves, J., Tafalla, M., & Goicoechea, J.R., 2017a, A&A Letters (link)
- Goicoechea, J.R., Teyssier, D., Etxaluze, M.,... (+Hacar, A.,) et al. 2015, ApJ, 812, 75 (link)
- Hacar, A., Alves, J., Forbirch, J., Meingast, S., Kubiak, K., & Grossschedl J., 2016, A&A, 589, A80 (link) (movie)
- van Terwisga, S., Hacar A., & van Dishoeck, E., 2019, A&A (link)
- Hacar A., Bosman, A., & van Dishoeck, E., 2019, A&A, 635, A4 (link)
ISM chemistry
ISM chemistry
- Hacar A., & van Dishoeck, E., 2017, Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 332: Astrochemustry VII - Through the Cosmos from Galaxies to Planets (link)
- Fuente, A., GEMS Collaboration (+Hacar, A.,), 2018 (link)
- Navarro, D., GEMS Collaboration (+Hacar, A.,), 2020, ApJ, 637, A39 (link)
- Hacar A., Bosman, A., & van Dishoeck, E., 2019, A&A, 635, A4 (link)
PROToplanetary Disks
PROToplanetary Disks
Vienna Survey in Orion: VISION
Vienna Survey in Orion: VISION
Stability of interstellar filaments: theoretical studies
Stability of interstellar filaments: theoretical studies
On the formation of dense cores in molecular clouds
On the formation of dense cores in molecular clouds
- Tafalla M. & Hacar A., 2015, A&A, 574, AA104 (link)
- Forbrich J., Öberg K., Lada C., Lombardi M., Hacar A., Alves J., & Rathborne J., 2014, A&A, 568, A27 (link)
- Heigl S., Burkert A., Hacar A., 2016, MNRAS, 463, 4301 (link)
- Redaelli E., et al (+ Hacar, A.,), 2017, ApJ, 850, 202 (link)
- Punanova, A., et al ( + Hacar, A.), 2018, (link)
- Hasenberger, B., Lombardi M., Alves J., Forbrich J., Hacar A., & Lada, C., 2018, A&A, 620, A24, (link)
Internal structure of Molecular Clouds
Internal structure of Molecular Clouds
Bipolar outflows
Bipolar outflows
STAR Formation at High redshifts
STAR Formation at High redshifts
- Ploeckinger, S., Schaye, J., Hacar, A., et al. 2019, MNRAS, 484, 4379 (link)